Supervision is a manner in which a judge withholds entry of conviction on the reportable (moving) violation upon a guilty plea. This is conditioned on the fact that you are not issued any other tickets within 120 days. If you do not receive any other tickets and successfully complete traffic school, the case will terminate. A report of supervision will be sent to the Secretary of State when supervision is granted. The court supervision will remain on the record of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Not everyone is eligible for Option C. You are NOT eligible if any of the following apply to your situation:
- If you hold a CDL
- If you are under the age of 18, you must appear in court with a parent or legal guardian to request supervision
- You received multiple citations for the same incident (Please note if you received an additional citation for Failure to Carry Proof of Insurance you may still be eligible if you have proof of insurance for the date and time the citation was issued and are eligible for dismissal at the counter)
- You have been on supervision or have taken the defensive driving course for any violation committed within the previous 12 months
You are eligible to receive court supervision without coming to court:
- If you have not had court supervision for any violation committed within the previous 12 months from the date of the ticket in this case; and
- If you are willing to plead guilty on the traffic ticket, request court supervision, and pay the prescribed fines, costs and fees for such violation
If eligible, you will complete court supervision successfully without coming to court:
- If you complete the four hour traffic school course within the specified time of your court supervision; and
- If you do not receive any additional traffic tickets during the supervision period
If supervision is completed successfully, the violation will be reported to the Secretary of State as supervision.
To apply for the Court Supervision without going to court:
- Carefully read the step by step instructions on the Court Diversion Form:
Diversion Form English Diversion Form Spanish
Fill out the required information
- You may submit your form one of the following ways:
- MAIL or BRING in your application, the "blue" copy or "court communication" copy of your citation along with appropriate form of payment to assigned branch location. (This information is located on the bottom front of your citation.) If you do not have a "blue" copy or "court communication" copy of your citation, please contact the branch court.
- Make your payment on the ONLINE PORTAL and then submit your Court Diversion Form at the link below:

Please note this program is in conjunction with services provided by the College of Lake County. Substitute programs or applications are not accepted without court order.
For further questions and information please contact the assigned branch court.
A full list of branch locations and contact information is located on our Locations page.