Where do I sign up for traffic school?

Mar 20, 2015, 21:51 PM
Where do I sign up for traffic school?
If you are completing the Court Diversion Form, asking for Supervision and requesting Traffic School without appearing before the Court, upon receipt of your paperwork and payment in full, our office will notify the College of Lake County - Traffic Safety Division. You should hear from them regarding the scheduling of your class, whether in person or on-line.

If you were ordered to complete a Traffic School Course or other Course offered through the College of Lake County - Traffic Safety Division, you should have received a referral form when in Court.  Complete that form and mail any payment for the class directly to the College of Lake County to the address provided on the form.

Should you have any questions regarding the scheduling of your class, or have not received anything from the College of Lake County, please call them at 847.543.2185.

Information on traffic school courses at the College of Lake County is also available on their website.


  • Traffic Division